Frequently Asked Questions
Is hiring a senior move manager really necessary?
Our senior move managers are caring individuals who will compassionately work with you to provide a comfortable and effortless move. When you hire Move with Compassion, we start working right a way on a plan to help you move and reduce stress. From choosing the perfect home for you to completely setting up your new home; we take care of every small detail so you don’t have to! Best part is that we keep you updated all the time
There is a lot of family conflicts rising from moving my parents, how can you help us?
We understand that a senior move is not as simple or as typical of a move to a new home. Sometimes elders are not comfortable with moving, and forcing the matter often results in conflict and discomfort. Our clients praise us for the knowledge and the skills we have to coordinate between family members! We are here for you and our dedicated and compassionate team are great at executing a plan while being sensitive to family dynamics!
I am out of town and my parents don’t have anyone to rely on, what should I do?
Move with Compassion understands that sometimes family members are out of town and cannot help with the move, or they have pressing matters that are taking up their time or in many cases there are no adult children to help and so we exist to fill this gap. Many of our clients have seen us as the family they never had. We work to advocate for our seniors and make sure that their fears and concerns are not neglected during the move. Our client’s children love that they can be still involved and informed about their parents move even when they are in a different part of the world.
My dad fell and broke his hip, he will not be returning home but going directly to a seniors home, we are overwhelmed and need help!
When a senior falls and get hurt, the family needs to evaluate the situation at the current residence and might quickly decide to move their parent.
Move with Compassion senior managers are trained and equipped with the resources to help families in a time of crisis. We are able to complete a move within 24 hours; ensuring that dad’s suite is ready and functional with what he needs to continue life at his new place. If needed, we then work with the family to downsize, clean and get the house ready for sale.
How much will the move cost?
Our initial visit in your home is always free of charge. We will listen and evaluate what services you might need and create an individualized estimate of your move. All our fees and terms are clearly written in the estimate.If there is any additional work hours or services needed on the job, our clients will be concentrated and informed before the additional work commence!